Pediatric Ophthalmolgy & StrabismuS:sThe Pediatric Ophthalmology service of Narayana Nethralaya has started with a noble aim of bringing back a smile to a child’s face. Over the years the department has grown to be a major referral centre for pediatric eye disorders. At present, this service involves not only diagnosis and management of various facets of pediatric eye disorders like refractive error, childhood cataract, glaucoma, amblyopia, squint, retinal disorders, congenital anomalies, pediatric eye cancer etc.. but also adult patients with squint/ double vision problems. The department provides appropriate therapeutic intervention for all stages of retinopathy of prematurity, a blinding disease of the premature newborn. | |
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Currently, the department is actively involved in various community ophthalmology projects like Pavagada Pediatric eye disease study, Smart School Screening, Slum 10K project, KIDROP study to help the weaker section addressing eye related issues of their child. | |
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Today we see nearly 100 pediatric patients per day and perform close to 50 eye surgeries every month. | |
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The facility available includes a comprehensive array of tests and therapy: | |
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| | | visual acuity screening systems applicable to all age groups, pre verbal and pre school inclusive [Teller acuity charts, Stereoopticals, USA; Smart system PC II Plus, M&S Technology, IL, USA; Sheridan Gardiner charts; HOTV charts; Lea symbol charts, Optokinetic drum]. |
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| | | Fixation targets for distance and near & accommodative near targets. |
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| | | Prisms (Fresnel prisms, Luneau loose and prism bars). |
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| | | Worth Four dots Test torch for near and distance. |
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| | | Bagolini's glasses. |
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| | | Flippers |
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| | | Stereoacuity charts (Titmus Fly test, Random dot test, Lang's test). |
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| | | Neutral density bar. |
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| | | Contrast sensitivity tests. |
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| | | Color vision charts (D-15 test, HRR test, Ishiara's pseudoisochromatic test). |
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